Human civilization had started from same era at different parts of the earth.Many ups and down might have happened up to here.Apart from struggle for existence,humans had involved with many disputes.Also,dominance had been common starting of groups at different parts of the world at same epoch.The way of dominance had hampered to respective societies before.Side by side,leadership had been very beginning of the continuing societies.The condition now is totally different.the countries are ranked as developed,developing,and underdeveloped.Developed are regarded as good civilization.developing and underdeveloped are still running to be better.Differences had became the conclusion of long time though the lives had started at the same time.
Nepal,a developing country got more hindrances.for sure,first is topography.One might thinks politically, but everyone would know that political problems are not the big deal as we find the worst nations( because of bad political condition) doing better .But the blockage due to topography is also no longer existed because there are examples of better nations with alike geography of Nepal.What may be the reason behind for these vast difference?.It is time to analyze and feel the bitter realism.
Their lifestyles and livelihood is comparatively better than us.And it is not a matter of concern to copy the way of developed one by the survivors living like at our country.There are some limitations at the cultural perspectives and even the infrastructures to be copied.Institutions must copy their way of management. It is not all about to exact copy from the G8s but necessary to step forward with proper imitations with some new begins.Applying the reliable ideas that suits to our nation is essential so imitating the reliable one could be far better than the exactness.Participation and implementation of everyone and every resources respectively may be the good way to go ahead.Consciousness of all with their own efforts is required.
If anyone are interested at any activities,they could be easily involved.for instance,if a man won't die for his duty then he could be regarded as unsuccessful .All we must do is for us and our generations in a sustain.Life is not about to be negative with anyone.any efforts that we put forward from our level should be the outcome of our hard work.We must have a powerful desire to donate something as a humans.These humours would come from the inspirer and we must adopt the developed countries as our inspirer but we should not forget that we are still searching our rank.We must have a passion and must have self and strong determination to take our self to the Highness of our potentiality.Observing the descent condition and sieving the background is essential to promote our motherland.So,please Lets begin with proper imitation.